One of the central teachings of Christianity is the authority that believers have in Christ over demonic powers. This authority is not based on human strength, wisdom, or anything that any human has done, but on the victory that Jesus Christ achieved through His death and resurrection. Understanding and exercising this authority is crucial for […]
The Nature of Demonic Possession On Places
Haunted houses, real haunted houses, not the ones that pop up at Halloween, are not places to play around and take your fancy electronics to test the atmosphere. In fact, anyone that is not covered by the blood of Jesus is opening themselves up to potential demonic harassment or even possession by trying to interact […]
Flipping the Script: Finding Freedom from False Success
Have you ever achieved something you thought would bring you happiness and fulfillment, only to realize that success alone wasn’t enough? You’re not alone. The whole world deals with it. In fact, the whole world – the culture – has this idea of what success is, but the idea and the reality are not the […]
The Pac-Man Life
Have you ever thought that life was like a video game? Have you ever looked at something and just made the connection that this is the same exact thing I would have to do in that one game to finish the level. If not, I’ll assume you’ve never packed a car for vacation and played Tetris.
Defeating The Enemies Of The Cross
Christians today, not all, but many, have gotten caught in one of the devil’s distractions – getting our focus off the things Jesus said to keep it on. While this isn’t new, it sure seems to be on the increase. With Covid and the changing of government officials and everything that has happened in the […]
The Church Vs The Devil
After the Lord revealed to Dr. Kenneth E Hagin an attack the devil was wanting to bring against America, He told him, “You saw the same thing in 1970. I told you then exactly what they were, but you didn’t do what you should have done about it. I told you back in 1970 to […]
Giving Away Our Authority To Politicians
If you’re a Christian, pretend for a moment you’re not. Terrible thing, yes, but just pretend you aren’t and wrap your head around this thought: The government of a nation runs a nation. Politics and politicians run a nation. Now come back to the land of the living, as a Christian and think on that […]
The Mask Sign No One Follows
During these pandemic times, I have watched as regulations are initiated through businesses across my city. I’ve noticed that in five particular nationwide businesses, they all have signs that read “Masks must be worn” before entering the building. On every door, before you walk through it, there is a sign. At some, there is a […]
What The World Says, What The Word Says
We’re living in times when the world is yelling at the top of its lungs. It’s yelling at all of us. It’s yelling at us from the TV, the radio, on the web, and now at every business we enter (if we’re allowed to enter it). And if we’re not, we’re being yelled at about […]
Why The Pandemic Happened
As we all sit at home, go about our daily lives in a way that none of us have ever known, the thought might have crossed someone’s mind as to how in the world did this happen? And of course when that comes, we find someone to blame. We blame China, or the world leaders, […]