The Collision of Culture & Christianity
The relationship between culture and faith has always been an issue for Christians. The devil is always trying to get Christians to compromise their faith – to confess Jesus with their lips and deny Him with their actions. In fact, the books of 1 Corinthians and Galatians are written specifically to tell Christians how to…
The Devil’s Haunted House
Haunted Houses are big at this time of year. People like to be scared. But there’s real fears out there that go beyond monsters and all the things associated with Halloween. There’s fear of failure, fear of the future, fear of classmates. The list can go on and on. These fears have their root in…
The Fisherman’s Field Guide To Fishin (Or What To Do Instead of Fishing
The Bible talks about ‘Fishers of Men,’ but Jesus said that to fishermen. The majority of Christians aren’t fishermen. Yet we still try to take this concept of being fishers of men and apply it to witnessing and sometimes, just sometimes, we focus on this concept of the “bait we use.” However, Jesus was…
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The Heart of the Matter
People do bad things. People do good things. People do things. The thing is with these things is that they don’t start with the things. They start in the heart. When we look at an apple, we may see the apple, but we don’t see the seed. We don’t see the sunlight that goes into…
The Telekinetic Christian
Our confessions rule us. Our words create our realities. But our words are determined by our beliefs. And our beliefs are determined by our thinking. It all hinges on our thinking. That means that our mind – our thinking, controls our reality. We think that only comic book superheroes have these amazing powers – supernatural…
Praying For the Nation – The Church’s Biblical Responsibility
The Bible is clear that Christians are called to pray for their leaders and their nation. In this free teaching, Rev. Krist Adams goes through the scriptures to show the need to pray for our nation and the responsibility to do so. Our Heavenly Father has given us the responsibility to pray for our nation…
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