God wants His people blessed. Oddly enough, there are many Christians that will argue this with you. They may say that God wants them blessed spiritually, but financially, material – oh no. That’s gone too far. However, if you take the Bible as a whole, and rightly divide the scriptures, you will see that God wants His people blessed and has a very important purpose in it. Many Christians who don’t believe this have been fed a lie by the devil into believing that those who do believe it are heretical, fanatical, fundamentalist, or just plain wrong. The scriptures that the devil uses to tell others that God wants his people barely getting by are taken out of context and are wrongly divided. When taken as a whole, the entire collection of scripture is clear that God wants His people blessed. In The Purpose of Prosperity: The Biblical Reason Why God Wants You Blessed, Krist Adams shares through Old Testament and New Testament scripture proof that God wants His people blessed. But beyond that, he shares the purpose God has in His people being blessed. In this book, Krist shares about prosperity in ministry, tithes and offerings, the character of God, among other topics.