I’ve previously talked about the proper place of relationships when it comes to our relationship with God and other people. You can check it out on the website. I wanted to look at our relationship with other people a little more because sadly, most people’s closest relationship is with other people, not God. And of […]
The Mask Sign No One Follows
During these pandemic times, I have watched as regulations are initiated through businesses across my city. I’ve noticed that in five particular nationwide businesses, they all have signs that read “Masks must be worn” before entering the building. On every door, before you walk through it, there is a sign. At some, there is a […]
A Good Plan or God’s Plan
Years ago when I first got saved, I attended a small church of less than 100. We didn’t have a worship band. In fact, all we had was a CD player and a bunch of CDs for our worship. I had been born again for probably less than a year when the youth pastor gave […]
The Importance of the Ministry Gifts
If you look around the church world you’ll see that we don’t exactly seem to be winning. What does that mean? We have unbiblical, demonic doctrine being preached as truth, people accepting it, and the power of God seems to be less powerful than in times past. People are saved and years later are in […]