The healing revival lasted from 1947 until 1958. Those who ministered during that time saw thousands upon thousands, if not millions, healed and turn to the Lord. Their names were spoken daily in households across the nation. Their stories filled secular papers from coast to coast. The tent meetings they conducted were unlike anything seen […]
Loving People Is Not The Most Important Thing
I’ve previously talked about the proper place of relationships when it comes to our relationship with God and other people. You can check it out on the website. I wanted to look at our relationship with other people a little more because sadly, most people’s closest relationship is with other people, not God. And of […]
No Mere Man – Part 2: The Results Of Carnal Christianity
What are the effects of living as a Carnal Christian? Living a life of carnality as a Christian might seem appealing at first—doing whatever you want and still thinking you’re headed to Heaven. But in reality, it’s a slippery slope that can lead to denying Jesus Christ and going to Hell (yeah, not so appealing […]
No Mere Man – Part 1: The Carnal Christian
Imagine you’re at a party with your friends and a bunch of other people that somehow know your friends.All seems to be going well. The music is blasting, the energy is high, and everyone is having a great time. But amidst the excitement, you notice something strange going on. People are doing all sorts of […]
How To Choose A New Church
So you’re a new Christian and you’re wondering where you go from here. Or maybe you’ve been a Christian for a while, but you sense the Lord is telling you to changes churches. Or, as unfortunate that it is, something has happened and you need to find a new church home. How do you do […]
Are You Just A Friend Of God?
Have you questioned what you believe lately? It’s a good thing to do, you know. When we question what we believe, we usually end up in one of two places – 1.) we find we weren’t believing the true and in turn, find the truth, or 2.), our faith is strengthened in what we believe. […]
A Short Thanksgiving History Lesson
It’s very seldom that you see an entire nation raised up to do God’s will. In different times God will use different nations to accomplish His will, but it is rare that those nations are brought together and formed for the will of God to be accomplished. The only two that stand out is the […]
How To Not Backslide
As a Christian, how do you stop backsliding? How do you stop giving into the temptations, the urges, the wiles of the devil that pull you away from your faith? The Bible has your answer for that as well. First and foremost, you’re not alone. The Apostle Paul – that great man of faith – […]
How To Create An Atmosphere That Welcomes The Presence Of God
One of the greatest things in all the world is entering into the presence of God. Nothing compares with God’s presence, whether it is in a church service or in your bed room, or on the way to work or school. There’s nothing like it. Is it possible to create an atmosphere that is more […]
How The Gospel Was Preached
I remember years ago getting an email from a ‘ministry company’ that sold, among other things, sermon series for all different kinds of ministries. One of their “selling points” was that having a pre-made sermon series freed up your time so you could spend it on “more important” things like building relationships. While the thought […]