Also he removed Maachah his grandmother from being queen mother, because she had made an obscene image of Asherah. And Asa cut down her obscene image and burned it by the Brook Kidron. – 1 Kings 15:13 1 Kings 15 contains the history of Asa, King of Judah. The Bible says that when Asa became […]
Waiting On God
If I told you that I needed you to wait at a certain (safe) location where nothing was going on and nothing was happening, but if you did, I would reward you with $100, what would you say? What would you do? What if I increased the amount to $1,000? How much would it take […]
You’re Not The Only One
Have you ever seen baby birds in a nest with their mouths open just waiting to eat whatever their mother drops in their mouth? They’re just making noise, waiting for their stomachs to be filled. All believers have the Holy Spirit on the inside of them, but not every believer listens to the Holy Spirit. […]
God Is Never Going To Move Those Mountains
Is God moving any mountains in your life? Maybe you’ve been overcoming, victorious, and standing high above all the circumstances in your life. Maybe you feel like the mountain is on top of you and you don’t know what to do. I have good news for you! God isn’t going to move any mountains for […]
A Short Thanksgiving History Lesson
It’s very seldom that you see an entire nation raised up to do God’s will. In different times God will use different nations to accomplish His will, but it is rare that those nations are brought together and formed for the will of God to be accomplished. The only two that stand out is the […]
What Kind Of Experience Do You Have
My family and I practice Karate as a family. We started it last year to get exercise and do something as a family and even though it’s tiring and we leave sore sometimes, it’s still great. One of the things about Karate, or any martial arts, is that there are different types of belt rankings. […]
How To Create An Atmosphere That Welcomes The Presence Of God
One of the greatest things in all the world is entering into the presence of God. Nothing compares with God’s presence, whether it is in a church service or in your bed room, or on the way to work or school. There’s nothing like it. Is it possible to create an atmosphere that is more […]
The Trap of False Success
We have a thing in the church for getting results. I think we get it from the business world. Everyone wants a ROI – Return On Investment. Why wouldn’t they? You put a lot of resources, finances, and hard work into something, you want it to pay off. There’s a bamboo species that takes 100-120 […]
Defeating The Enemies Of The Cross
Christians today, not all, but many, have gotten caught in one of the devil’s distractions – getting our focus off the things Jesus said to keep it on. While this isn’t new, it sure seems to be on the increase. With Covid and the changing of government officials and everything that has happened in the […]
The Church Vs The Devil
After the Lord revealed to Dr. Kenneth E Hagin an attack the devil was wanting to bring against America, He told him, “You saw the same thing in 1970. I told you then exactly what they were, but you didn’t do what you should have done about it. I told you back in 1970 to […]