Christians today, not all, but many, have gotten caught in one of the devil’s distractions – getting our focus off the things Jesus said to keep it on. While this isn’t new, it sure seems to be on the increase. With Covid and the changing of government officials and everything that has happened in the […]
Have You Stopped Praying?
Well, the election is over and the prayers of the saints have seen Donald Trump elected as the next President. I do have to wonder though, if all the churches and Christians have stopped praying. I don’t mean that in a bad way or to attack anyone. However, the church has a good history of […]
What You Didn’t Hear In The Debate
Another debate for President of the United States has come and gone, and another one has been slated. After watching all the men in the one woman argue, debate, and plead their case for why they’re the best candidate, there is still something we did not hear. After all the words and the rhetoric, we […]
Praying For The Supreme Court and Our Leaders
With the recent decision on “Marriage Equality” delivered by the Supreme Court, many Christians have seemingly thrown in the towel – lost their joy and think the world is coming to an end. Well, fret not. God is still on the throne and He has a plan that will come to pass no matter what […]
The Importance of the Ministry Gifts
If you look around the church world you’ll see that we don’t exactly seem to be winning. What does that mean? We have unbiblical, demonic doctrine being preached as truth, people accepting it, and the power of God seems to be less powerful than in times past. People are saved and years later are in […]