Well, the election is over and the prayers of the saints have seen Donald Trump elected as the next President. I do have to wonder though, if all the churches and Christians have stopped praying. I don’t mean that in a bad way or to attack anyone. However, the church has a good history of […]
Changing Things In The Spirit
There is a spiritual realm, just as there is a natural realm. Many people know this, as far as having a mental agreement. However, most of us don’t understand it. This is the realm where God, the devil, angels, and demons operate. This is where our prayers have power. Everything that we receive in prayer […]
What Does God Say?
The upcoming election is a critical one. Everyone knows it, everyone says it. But then again, that’s what everyone says during every Presidential election season. However, it’s clear more now than ever. If you can’t see it, then I recommend that you get in a church with a good Pastor that can discern the signs […]
How To Pray For The Next President Right Now
Since election season has started, I have seen many of my friends on Facebook and Christians on the web start pulling for their favorite contender for the office of the President of the United States of America. It’s not a bad thing if you have a favorite – as long as you’ve done some research […]