There is a spiritual realm, just as there is a natural realm. Many people know this, as far as having a mental agreement. However, most of us don’t understand it. This is the realm where God, the devil, angels, and demons operate. This is where our prayers have power. Everything that we receive in prayer comes from the spiritual realm. It is birthed in the spiritual realm and then it materializes in the natural realm. Demon spirits operate in the spiritual realm to influence people in the natural realm. They whisper in people’s ears, yell in their ears, deceive them, and even control them.
That is part of what is going on in this election. In fact, it has always gone on, since the very beginning. The difference now is that everything is on display in front of the media. We think that the reason one candidate is being attacked by the media and another is being shielded by them is because there is a bias. That’s the natural side. The spiritual side, where all this starts, is where demonic spirits are influencing people in the media and political arena to do these things.
And the reason they are getting away with it is because the church is not standing up to them. I’m not talking about writing letters to your representative or picketing in front of their offices. I’m talking about getting on our knees and taking our spiritual authority in the name of Jesus Christ over these demonic spirits that are influencing people and commanding them to stop their maneuvers and schemes. Again, in the name of Jesus Christ. That’s where the power is. That’s where the authority is. It’s not in the ‘amen’ ; it’s not in the person praying; it’s in the name of Jesus Christ.
The church is the only one who can turn this nation around. I know you hear that God is the only one that can turn this nation around, but that’s only partially correct. God is going to do the changing, but it’s up to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to use their authority and pray it through.
The Lord Jesus Christ told Rev. Kenneth E Hagin this exact thing back in the 1970’s. It doesn’t matter if you agree with the man’s doctrine or not. You may not like the food that Balaam’s donkey ate or what else came out of him, but when the truth was spoken through his lips to Balaam, you can’t deny that. Jesus told Dr. Kenneth E Hagin, and us too, that the church is to blame for the problems of this nation. Jesus said:
“If the Christians of this nation had done what I told them to do in My Word and had prayed for the leaders of their country, they could have kept those evil spirits you saw in 1970 from operating in this nation. None of those upheavals would have occurred in your nation. You would not have had the political, social, and economic disturbances in this nation, and the President never would have made the mistakes he made. In fact, I’m holding the Church responsible for the President’s mistakes…Yes, the Church is responsible before God Almighty. I know when you tell that to some Christians, they will laugh. But you wait until they stand before My Judgment Seat and see if they laugh when they are the ones who will receive the judgment.”
These words line up exactly with what has already been told us in God’s Word. We have already been commanded to pray for our leaders:
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. – 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. – Matthew 18:18
I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it because it is true – the church is the one who has been given the responsibility to pray for the nation because they are the only ones with the authority to do so. The Lord has given us authority in the name of Jesus to pull down strongholds. He’s given us authority in the name of Jesus to command demon spirits to stop their maneuvers. He’s given us authority to determine the course of our nation in prayer.
Responsibility comes only with authority. If I tell my three children to go clean their room and I tell my oldest that he is responsible for it getting clean, I would be unjust if I didn’t give him the authority to tell his brothers what to do. He has the authority to tell them to clean this area or that area because he was given the responsibility.
The church has been given the responsibility to pray because we have the authority to change things – in the spirit. The politicians aren’t going to change this nation because they don’t have the authority. For 2 years Congress had the authority to pass laws, strike down laws, veto laws, and nothing happened. The church has the authority. But that authority means nothing unless you use it.
I urge you to use the authority that Jesus gave you and pray for this nation. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the election. God is with us.
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