When it comes to receiving from God – no matter what it may be – salvation, healing, needs being met, anything that we receive from God – many people get stuck on one of two things. These two things keep us from receiving the promises of God more than anything else in the world. These […]
You Are A Carrier
Even before the pandemic happened, the idea of a virus outbreak was a popular theme in books and sci-if movies and TV shows. There’s all these different shows and movies where a virus is spread across the world and destroys everything, and people are trying to find a cure and save humanity. And usually when […]
Staying Christian When Christians Aren’t
There seems to be a growing increase of people leaving their faith behind and expressing their freedom from Christ, not their freedom in Christ. Of course it’s most prominently seen from Christian musicians (or “celebrities”), but they’re not alone. However, after listening to some of their reasons, I can totally understand their departure – based […]
How To Create An Atmosphere That Welcomes The Presence Of God
One of the greatest things in all the world is entering into the presence of God. Nothing compares with God’s presence, whether it is in a church service or in your bed room, or on the way to work or school. There’s nothing like it. Is it possible to create an atmosphere that is more […]
The Voice Activated Life
Technology has changed a lot in the past few years, and it’s changed quickly. We have all sorts of things that would amaze people just ten, fifteen, twenty year ago. We have face recognition software, voice recognition software, and voice activation software. We have Siri, Cortana, Alexa, and Google Assistant that listens, hears, and does […]
Is God Good?
If you asked a group of Christians this question, you quite possibly would get a variety of different answers. Most would say of course God is good. But then there would be some that have a little bit of doubt in their mind. They think, “well I am sure for the most part He’s good, […]
You Had To Be There
With the invention of the internet came the wonderful ability to reach across time and space and preach the Gospel to those who physically can’t be at the location where the message is being given at that time and place. We now have the ability to reach those all the way around the world with […]
Keep Standing
I was skimming through the radio the other day, and my attention was caught on this secular radio station with these people talking. One of the DJs was saying that he thought it was brave for a person to go out and eat by themselves at a restaurant on Friday or Saturday night after 8 […]
Healing Is Always The Will Of God
For some people, it seems almost impossible for them to get healed of one thing or another. There are people that have lived all their life with some disease, believing God to be healed, and yet, are still sick. But they keep chugging on along believing God. Some of these same people however, if they […]