In the society that we live in today, we seriously have to wonder, where is the real church? The church that is presented to the world is one of division and really does seem like it is a schizophrenic. On one hand you have it saying homosexuality is sin, repent of your sins, follow the Holy Spirit, seek God and His plans for your life. On the other, you have it saying homosexuality is acceptable, and you can be a Christian and even in the ministry and be a homosexual. It says that you don’t need to ask for forgiveness of your sins, you already are. It says that businesses have proven what ways are successful and we will do it like them.
You have two different voices speaking out, claiming to be the church, but please, will the real church please stand up. We are at a time in the church where people have to make a decision. Will they follow the ways that please the flesh, that stroke the soul, or will they follow the Word and Spirit of God and do what He says, even though it may be hard on the flesh?
This is not the first time in church history that this has happened. The Apostle Paul had to deal with gnostics during his time. When Constantine decreed that everyone in the Roman Empire was automatically a Christian, Bible-believing Christians had to contend with a amalgam of heathenistic Christendom. Suddenly everyone was a “Christian”, but not everyone was a born again child of God.
If you look back at the book of Acts, you will see a picture of what the church should be. If you look to the Bible, you will see God’s blueprint for what the church should be. You do not see the church looking to the world or looking to be like the world to reach the world. You do not see the church going into sin so they could preach the Gospel.
However, you do see the church preaching with boldness and power. You see signs, miracles, and wonders accompanying the preaching of the uncompromising Word of God. You see a strict adherence to the Word and separation from the world. You see the Holy Spirit filling people and leading people to fulfill God’s will. You see ministers not going certain places because the Holy Spirit says so. You see them going some places even though the Holy Spirit told them persecution would come when they do, though it was His will that they go.
That is what the church of Acts looks like. That is what the church of today should look like. The church of Acts was a church of power and of the supernatural. However, today the church in general has neglected the supernatural and turned from the leading of the Holy Spirit so much that the power has left. It has been replaced with man’s plans. It has been replaced with conforming to the world’s system. We have embraced the false and thus, do not have the real. We do not have the real of the supernatural, miracle working power of God.
Now this isn’t all churches, but a large majority of them. We must repent, turn to the Word of God, to the Spirit of God and seek His plans, not our own. Only then will we see the power of God, only then will we be the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise we will find ourselves among the lists of the seven churches in Revelations. Otherwise we will find ourselves mourning when it is too late that we did not turn from our ways and back to God and His ways.
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