If you haven’t noticed, culture and the world is constantly telling our youth who they should be. Then they tell them how they should be this thing that they say they should be. You should be a boy. You should be a girl. You should be both. You should be neither. You should decide. You should be outgoing. You should hate this. Love that. You should. You should. You should. You should get a surgery. You shouldn’t listen to your parents. You should. You shouldn’t. You should.
And this is constantly changing. It’s constantly “evolving.” It’s no wonder our youth are confused and have more anxiety than almost any other generation before them.
On the other hand, when our culture and the world tells hem (and us) who they should be, God tell them who they are. He tells them that they are forgiven. They are loved. They are a child of the most high God. They are a royal priesthood. They are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. They are above, not beneath, the head, not the tail.
The world is constant telling them who they should become, who or what they should change into. God is continually telling them who He already changed them into.
They’re going to accept one of these things as truth. And it will forever dominate and determine their destiny – their eternity. If no one is telling them who God has already made them into, who He called them into – then who will? The only thing left will be what the world, culture, and the devil is telling them who they should become.
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