You may be wondering what role the Bible should play in your life. You know, besides being God’s Word straight to the human race about how much He loves us and provided for us through His Word and what He has done through Jesus Christ. With so many other things competing for your attention, from social media to schoolwork to extracurricular activities, why should you crack open the Bible? According to a study by the Center for Bible Engagement, engaging with scripture on a regular basis can have a profound impact on your life. Profound!
The study surveyed over 8,000 self-identified Christian adults about their Bible engagement (reading and studying) habits. What researchers discovered was that individuals who engaged with the Bible at least 4 times a week experienced a radically different life than those who did not. In fact, the lives of Christians who did not engage with the Bible most days of the week were statistically the same as the lives of non-believers.
It’s amazing because, from their research, they found that engaging with the Bible less than 4 times a week had almost no impact on a person’s life. Yes, there was a little effect (very little), that increased the more the more the days did, but not much. But on that fourth day, the effect set rocketed!
So what does this mean for you? Well, according to the study, there are a number of benefits to engaging with scripture on a regular basis. For example:
• You are 228% more likely to share your faith with others. This means that by reading the Bible and learning more about God’s love and grace, you will be better equipped to share that message with others who may not have heard it before, who may have ignored it, who may need it.
• You are 407% more likely to memorize scripture. Memorizing scripture can be a powerful way to internalize God’s Word and apply it to your daily life. By committing verses to memory, it will help you be better able to recall them when you need guidance.
• You are 59% less likely to view pornography. Pornography is a pervasive and destructive problem in our culture, and it can be especially damaging to young people. By engaging with the Bible, you will be less likely to turn to porn for comfort or entertainment.
• You are 30% less likely to struggle with loneliness. Loneliness is another common problem among teenagers, especially in today’s digital age. However, by connecting with God through scripture, you will have a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, which can help alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.
You will be more likely to disciple others. According to the study, individuals who engage with the Bible on a regular basis are 231% more likely to disciple others. This means that by reading the Bible and growing in your own faith, you will be better equipped to help others grow in their faith as well.
In addition to these benefits, engaging with scripture can also help you avoid a number of negative behaviors. For example, the study found that individuals who engage with the Bible regularly are:
• 57% less likely to get drunk
• 68% less likely to engage in sex outside of marriage
• 74% less likely to gamble
So what are you waiting for? If you want to experience the benefits of Bible engagement, start by setting aside time each day to read and study God’s Word. You might find it helpful to use a devotional or study guide to help guide your reading and study time. And don’t forget to pray for God to lead you and give you understanding as you grow in your faith.
Remember, the Bible is not just another book. It is the living word of God, and it has the power to transform your life in ways you may not even imagine. So make Bible study a priority in your life, and watch as God works in and through you to accomplish great things. You won’t be disappointed.
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