In the realm of martial arts, where skill, discipline, and honor converge, there exists a controversial phenomenon that has sparked intense debates and raised eyebrows among practitioners. Enter the McDojo, a term that encapsulates a martial arts practice often steeped in commercialism, diluted teachings, and a quest for quick profit. Beneath the surface of glossy advertising, black belts awarded in record time, and promises of quick mastery, lies a complex web of inflated egos and questionable authenticity.
Besides the ethical problem, there’s another problem – giving kids a false sense of their own ability and skill. This is done by belting kids up so quickly that they keep enrolled, letting them think they’re much better than they actually are.
Because of these immoral practices, there are kids that are being conned (because that’s what it is) into believing that they are better than they are. This pushes their parents into continually paying monthly fees so their kids can become a karate master. It’s a lie and it’s dangerous. One day, some of these kids are going to encounter a situation they are not prepared for, yet they will have the false confidence to believe they are. When that happens, it is highly likely that these kids (who by that time may be adults), are going to get hurt or worse.
This isn’t a rally cry for oversight of the martial arts world. It’s up to every individual that signs up for any martial arts school to make sure what they are learning and their progression is accurate to what they are being told. It’s not solely the school or the teacher’s fault. It’s the students and the parents as well.
Just as some of these students are given false confidence in their skill level, there are some Christians that have false confidence in their faith. I’m not talking about their faith in Christ for salvation. I’m talking about their faith in God answering their prayers….when in reality, they have no faith. Understand that God has an answer to every problem that we face, but the answer He has may not be your answer. And when people don’t understand this, they will start praying and ‘believing’ for all sorts of things. Yet, if they can’t have faith for it, it’s just a waste of time.
The truth about faith is that you can only believe God for what you have faith for. The only way you can have faith, according to the Bible is by “hearing and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).” That means the only things you can have faith for are the promises written in the Word of God. If you can’t find it in the Word, forget it. That means you and I should be students of the Word. So when you hear about someone believing for ten thousand oil wells, for their neighbor’s wife to leave their neighbor for them, or to win the lottery – you can sure believe that they are not in faith, no matter what they say.
Everything we receive from God, we do so by faith (Mark 11:23-24; Matthew 21:22; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Galatians 3:14; Hebrews 6:12). So if you’re not basing your prayers, and your faith, on the Word of God – not your need – you are not in faith, you are just foolish. You’ve actually given yourself a false sense of faith. And just like those ‘not-so-black-belts,’ one day you’re going to be put in a dangerous situation. One day you’re going to pray for something that means the world to you and God won’t answer your prayer because you’re not in faith, even if you think you are. And then you’re going to become bitter because you think God doesn’t care or that He doesn’t exist.
But the truth is that He does care and He does exist. He cares so much that He has given us His Word with clear instructions that if we will get in faith, we can receive anything that He promises. And the great thing is that He has promised everything that we need for this life and for godliness (2 Peter 1:3-4).
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you’re in faith when you’re not. Examine what you’re believing God for and ask yourself this one simple question: What scripture are you standing on?
It’s up to you to examine what you’re believing for, what you’re being taught, and what the Word says. Don’t fall into the trap of fake belts or false faith. Stay with the Word of God and the Spirit of God.
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