There seems to be a great decline in Christianity today, at least here in America. Our mega churches are filled up with people listening to pastors who would rather give a feel good message than preach the truth. These same people sit in the mega churches and applaud when some preacher stands up and spouts out demonic doctrine that is clearly in opposition to the Bible. Our nation is filled with “Christians” that are more concerned with themselves than the lost and dying world. We prefer to argue with others about the way the country is going rather than pray about it. We are too concerned and wrapped up in what we want and doing things our way than dying to self and living for God, directed by the Holy Spirit.
This has become an epidemic. It seems that in America, it’s become acceptable to live with one foot in the church and one foot in the world. However, doing so is living totally in the world. Living as a half-hearted Christian will simply lead to destruction.
“And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Revelations 3:14-17
Sadly, a day does not pass that I don’t see those that claim to be Christians saying or doing or posting something that would make a person who loves Christ ashamed. This is not just a slip of the tongue or a stumble; this is a continual choice to say things, do things, and post things that clearly are in opposition to what the Bible teaches. Yet these same people call themselves Christians.
This breaks my heart to see people that call themselves Christians and tell the whole world that they are Christian blatantly doing things and saying things that are in complete opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ. And these same people do this as if nothing is wrong with it. It is truly as if they have been blinded to their own sin. These same people, the ones who are on Facebook posting a scripture one moment are the next moment posting photos of half naked women, posts filled with curse words sailors would blush at, photos of their weekend where they got so drunk they don’t remember half of it.
This is a problem. On one hand you have people that claim to be Christian, but they’re not. They might have a mental agreement with the Christian message, but their spirit is not in agreement. There has not been a change in their heart, and in turn, in their life. They are going through life believing that when they take their last breath, they will be welcomed into glory by a smiling savior saying, “Well done.” And that is just not the truth. These same people sit in church, week in and week out, but have no change in their spirit. It is true: if you look like the devil, act like the devil, and smell like the devil – you are the devil.
While on the one hand you have those who proclaim to be Christians acting like anything but, on the other hand you have those that don’t know Christ seeing these people and thinking they are what real Christians are – hypocrites – no better than them in their actions and lifestyle. Then those that don’t know Christ are turned off and resent Christ and Christians because of the actions of the few. Yes, they shouldn’t look at these people, they should look at Christ, but as we all know, humanity doesn’t do what we should.
We must understand the eternal ramifications of our actions. People are always looking, and if we call ourselves a Christian we have an obligation of love to Jesus and humanity to act like we have actually been born again. If we have been, then there is no problem. However, if you’ve found while reading this, that your actions don’t agree with your proclamation, it’s a simple prayer away. If you have simply slip and fell, just pray and ask for forgiveness. If you find after reflection that you have never really been born again, all you have to do is ask Jesus Christ into your heart.
Honestly, the real question isn’t “Are we Christian enough,” the real question is “Are we a Christian?” If we have been born again, we will see a life change. There will be a difference between the person we were before Christ and who we are today. Throughout history, it is clear that there is a life change before and after one accepts Christ. A preacher I know was a convict on the run before he accepted Jesus. He was on the run for armed robbery, a drug addict and quite frankly, not a nice person. But you wouldn’t believe any of that about him after he became born again. He was a completely new person. Of course he was. The Bible testifies to this, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).”
Now this is not simply because one is a new Christian. There is a process once we become born again. Some things take time. But once you become born again, you will see a change in your life. Don’t feel that I am condemning anyone. I’m not. This is said in love. I don’t want anyone going through life thinking they are headed to Heaven when they are not. I don’t want anyone thinking they are living right when they aren’t. I don’t want anyone turned off of my beloved savior because of my actions or anyone else’s. But if you are reading this and the Holy Spirit is convicting you – pray and see what needs to be changed.
Now though we may be born again, our commitment to God may not be where we want it to be, or where it should be. However, we can do something about that. Looking at prayer in the Bible and studying on the different types of prayer, you will see that there are some prayers that you pray once, and some you pray continually. The prayer of commitment is one prayer that you pray continually. It is a prayer dedicating your life to God’s will. Below is one such prayer. I encourage you, if you are living for God daily, or if you find yourself fitting in to some of the situations above, pray this prayer daily. It will lead you to live a more dedicated life to the Lord, His will, His blessings, and fulfill His call for your life, which in turn will make your life a whole lot better.
Lord, I present myself unto You. May Your will be done in my life. May I never forget that I have surrendered all I am to You. I commit myself to be one whom You can use — consecrated and separated unto Your purposes.
I’ll pay the price by denying the flesh. If You call me in the nighttime, I’ll get on my knees and pray. If I am never seen of men, and if I always work behind the scenes, still I will be faithful.
I lay aside all personal ambition. I’ll be one who walks in the Spirit and in Your perfect will. In Jesus’ Name, Your will shall be formed in my heart, in my life, and in my ministry.
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