Have you ever heard someone say that we are all children of God? And you look at them and think, I can see how I am a child of God, but you look like a child of the devil? OK, I haven’t. But I have heard some people say that we are all children of God and I wonder what in the world they were talking about. Now I know I’m a child of God, and I know a bunch of other people who are children of God, but I know a bunch of people that are children of the devil.
You will never hear a Christian who knows what the Bible says, who is familiar with scripture and believes it, saying that we are all children of God. You will never in your life ever hear God say that we are all children of God. You will never hear Jesus say we are all children of God.
That is because we are not.
When you hear people say that, most likely, they are not children of God. If they are, they have no clue what they’re talking about.
It makes us feel all warm and squishy inside when we can say and even believe that everyone in the entire world is part of one big family.
This is a lie.
This is a lie of the devil.
Jesus specifically said that some people were of their father the devil.
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. – John 8:44
In fact, that statement Jesus made could rightfully and truthfully be applied to the majority of people in the earth. You do know that the road to Hell is wide, but the gate to Heaven is narrow, right?
That does not mean that everyone on the planet does not have a common ancestry, or part of one giant community, or anything like that. We have all descended from Adam and Eve. We are all part of the human race. We are all God’s creation. We are all loved by God. Jesus Christ died for every single person, no matter what they believe, look like, think, or when and where they live, have lived, or will live.
But not everybody has God as their father.
Now what does that mean?
That means that not everybody sees things the way you see them (that is, if your father is God). That means that not everybody has the same interest at mind. That means that not everybody has the same inheritance, the same blessing, or the same purpose.
You cannot expect somebody whose father is the devil to act like somebody whose father is God. You cannot expect that person to have the same point of you, the same outlook on life, the same interest or goals in life as someone whose father is God.
Nor can you put the same expectations on that person that you would on someone whose father is God.
The only way that someone can call God their father and it be the truth, is if they are born again, if Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.
If that is not the case, if they are not showing fruit of that, living like a Christian, following the commandments that Jesus gave, then they are not a Christian and their father is not God.
Their father is the devil.
You can’t have the same expectations for them and their actions and thoughts and words as you can for a Christian. Don’t try it. You will be sadly disappointed.
So remember, when someone says that we are all children of God, you can almost count on it, that they are not. Don’t allow their words, their thoughts, their ideas, their viewpoints, to deceive you into thinking that you should act the way they want you to. You should always act in line with what the Word of God says.
Stay with the Word and the Spirit.
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