Are Haunted Houses Real? A Christian Perspective
It’s October which means it’s time for Spirit Halloween stores to start rising from the dead. It also means that haunted houses and scary hayrides are going to start populating cities across America. While there are these haunted houses that are put on my people every Halloween season, there’s another type of haunted house that is around all year round. That’s he actual locations that are inhabited and haunted by demonic beings.
This seems to be an area that most Christians are uneducated in. After all, a good percentage of Christians don’t even believe in demons, and some don’t even believe in the devil. However, just because you don’t believe in something, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Haunted castles in Europe, abandoned mansions in America, or regular homes with a spooky history can be found all around the world, and they really are haunted. To truly understand these things, you have to be aware of what the Bible teaches about demonic forces.
Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Clearly, there is a spiritual realm, spiritual enemies, and beings that we cannot see that want to do us harm and influence our world. Of course this is speaking about demonic forces, not the angelic ones that work on behalf of God and the believer.
Mark 1:34 says, “Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him.” Notice that He cast out many demons.
Mark 5:1-2 says, Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes. And when He had come out of the boat, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit.” Notice here how these demon-possessed man was living in the cemetery. He was living at a specific location, not necessarily roaming around. And all throughout the scripture, it talks about Jesus casting out demons, but not once does it say that He destroyed them or sent them back to Hell. That means that these demon spirits are still alive and active here on earth, even though we may not notice them.
Historically Haunted Houses
The ancient Greeks and Romans themselves had stories of spirits haunting certain places, often requiring rituals to appease them. In medieval Europe, haunted castles and homes were known all over. Tales of ghosts and supernatural occurrences became part of the cultural narrative. Let’s look at some specific examples of real haunted locations.
Swanton Novers Rectory in the English county of Norfolk has been thought to be haunted since the early 1900’s. The Paranormal Database lists an incident of raining liquids that occurred at the rectory, which they classified as poltergeist activity. Supposedly a witch was buried in the old ruins there.
The Borley Rectory in Essex, England, is often referred to as “the most haunted house in England.” It became famous for a wide range of reported paranormal phenomena, including ghostly apparitions, unexplained footsteps, mysterious bell ringing, and various other unexplained events. The hauntings supposedly revolve around the alleged “Nun’s Walk,” where it was said that a nun and a monk from a nearby convent had a forbidden romance, leading to a tragic end and the haunting. However, for the Christian, we know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. That does not mean that non-Christians die and roam the earth. These are family spirits posing as dead humans, something that is a common occurrence throughout time.
Here in America, Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania is infamous for numerous ghost sightings and paranormal experiences, including shadowy figures and disembodied voices. I could continue to list haunted houses and lay out the evidence of the truth of these hauntings, but I won’t. The objective is not to glorify these things, but to show that they do exist.
Demonic Possession and Haunted Houses
The truth of demonic possession extends beyond individuals. It also includes places and locations. Jesus mentioned about demons inhabiting dry places or the desert ( Matthew 12:43-45, Luke 11:24-26). Revelation 18:2 talks about Babylon being a dwelling place for demons. “High Places” in the Old Testament where demons were worshipped were also said to be the habitation of demonic spirits (Deuteronomy 12:2, 1 Kings 14:23).
Dr. Lester Sumrall dealt with demonic spirits all across the world during his decades in ministry. He wrote about how demonic forces can inhabit places, creating an atmosphere of oppression and fear. The result can be in houses appearing to be haunted. These places may have been used for occult practices or some form of evil occurrence, providing a foothold for demonic activity.
Dr. Sumrall pointed out that spiritual forces can manifest in various ways, including through supernatural occurrences in haunted houses. These manifestations are intended to instill fear and confusion, diverting attention from God’s truth.
Signs of a Haunted or Demon-Possessed House
Houses and locations that are demon-possessed often exhibit certain characteristics. Dr. Sumrall listed these characteristics in his teachings and books. These can include:
- Unexplained Noises: Such as footsteps, knocking, or voices when no one is present.
- Apparitions: Sightings of shadowy figures or ghostly entities.
- Unexplained Movements: Objects moving on their own or doors opening and closing without any physical cause.
- Feelings of Oppression: A heavy, oppressive atmosphere that instills fear or discomfort.
- Cold Spots: Areas of unusual coldness without a natural cause.
While it may seem eerie or strange, just remember that we’re looking at this from a scriptural perspective. Jesus conquered all of these things. Not every unexplained occurrence is necessarily demonic, just as not every dream is from the Lord. Don’t jump the gun thinking that the noise you hear in your house is a demon. It may just be the mouse running around looking for the food you left out in the kitchen.
We need to listen to what the Holy Spirit says and the evidence presented to determine the source of anything that may appear demon-possessed
Psychological Factors
Cultural beliefs and psychological factors can also play a significant role in something being perceived as haunted. These things can have a placebo effect on people. Stories and legends, beliefs and fear can influence how people interpret supposed unexplained events. That can lead people to the belief that a house is haunted. People may mistakenly believe that supernatural forces are responsible for common events due to the power of persuasion and other psychological factors, such as sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and heightened anxiety. Not every place that someone says is haunted actually is. But there is no doubt, there are locations in the world that are haunted by demonic spirits.
Want to learn more? Check out the next post about The Nature of Demonic Possession on Places
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